Dear Tripti, Sally and Danko,
I am just writing to follow up to my letters dated November 3rd and November 8th to get an update from ICANN on the removal of the instance of the L-Root from the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization . I have not received anything from ICANN Org since receiving your acknowledgment below.
As you may be aware, yesterday the Anti-Defamation League ("ADL") announced that since the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, "antisemitic incidents reached the highest number of incidents during any two-month period since [ADL] began tracking in 1979..." It called the 337% increase in incidents "unprecedented" and sees no signs of diminishing. Finally it encourages public officials to "take clear action to show this behavior is unacceptable to prevent more violence."
I understand removing an instance of the L-Root may require a transition period, but it is also my understanding that even though the host provides the hardware and network operations for the instance, "ICANN staff [looks] after the software and the administrative management." See However, making an announcement that you will be transitioning the instance away from a host that has so fragrantly violated ICANN's Community Anti-Harassment Policy and Terms of Participation and Complaint Procedure) is an important initial step to taking clear action as recommended by ADL.
Last night we celebrated the fifth night of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. Although much of the meaning of this Holiday has been obscured by the commercialism of the season, observance of this holiday teaches us to never be afraid to stand up for, and do, what's right, no matter how daunting are the odds. It also teaches us that when the world is at its darkest, a little bit of light (from doing what is right) goes a long way. And it teaches us that a public display of that light (traditionally through a Menorah in our window or doorway) is a symbol for the Jewish people shining its light outwards to bring goodness into our surroundings and our communities.
ICANN has an opportunity to provide that little bit of light by condemning antisemitism globally, promoting peace, and holding its vendors accountable to do the same and serve as a beacon of light for others. Hosting an instance of the L-Root is an honor and a privilege that must only be given to organizations that are representative of the ICANN community and its values. ICANN can use this opportunity to search for another organization located in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, or anywhere in the Arab-Muslim world that both is able to host this instance, and also reflects ICANN values and can shine its own beacon of light on its community.
Jeff Neuman

------ Original Message ------
From Tripti Sinha
To Jeff Neuman
Cc Sally Costerton; Danko.Jevtovic;
Date 11/10/2023 1:32:51 PM
Subject Re: Follow-up to Open Letter to ICANN
Dear Jeff:
Thank you for your follow up email and keeping us informed. These are complicated times for the world community. Org will be in touch regarding the issues you have raised.
Again, thank you Jeff.
- Tripti